Course description

**Course Title: Advanced Data Science and Big Data Analytics**

**Course Overview:**

This advanced course is designed for data professionals seeking an in-depth understanding of cutting-edge techniques and methodologies in data science and big data analytics. Participants will delve into advanced statistical models, machine learning algorithms, and technologies crucial for processing and analyzing vast datasets. Through hands-on projects, case studies, and advanced applications, participants will gain the skills necessary to tackle complex data challenges and drive informed decision-making in various industries.

**Module 1: Advanced Statistical Methods in Data Science**

* Lesson 1.1: Multivariate Statistical Analysis

  - Understanding and applying advanced multivariate statistical techniques for comprehensive data analysis.

* Lesson 1.2: Time Series Analysis

  - Exploring techniques for analyzing time-dependent data and forecasting future trends.

* Lesson 1.3: Bayesian Statistics

  - Applying Bayesian methods to make probabilistic inferences and improve predictive modeling.

**Module 2: Machine Learning for Advanced Analytics**

* Lesson 2.1: Advanced Supervised Learning

  - Delving into ensemble methods, neural networks, and deep learning architectures for complex predictive modeling.

* Lesson 2.2: Unsupervised Learning Techniques

  - Exploring advanced clustering, dimensionality reduction, and anomaly detection methods.

* Lesson 2.3: Reinforcement Learning

  - Understanding and implementing reinforcement learning algorithms for decision-making in dynamic environments.

**Module 3: Big Data Technologies and Frameworks**

* Lesson 3.1: Hadoop Ecosystem

  - Comprehensive exploration of Hadoop components for distributed storage and processing of big data.

* Lesson 3.2: Apache Spark

  - Mastering Spark for fast and large-scale data processing, machine learning, and graph analytics.

* Lesson 3.3: Real-time Processing with Apache Kafka

  - Implementing real-time data streaming and processing using Apache Kafka.

**Module 4: Advanced Data Visualization and Interpretation**

* Lesson 4.1: Interactive Dashboards

  - Building interactive and dynamic dashboards for effective data communication.

* Lesson 4.2: Geospatial Data Visualization

  - Visualizing geographical data to derive insights and patterns.

* Lesson 4.3: Visual Analytics and Storytelling

  - Crafting compelling data narratives through visual analytics and storytelling techniques.

**Module 5: Deep Dive into Big Data Security and Ethics**

* Lesson 5.1: Big Data Security

  - Implementing security measures and best practices for safeguarding big data infrastructure.

* Lesson 5.2: Ethical Considerations in Big Data

  - Addressing ethical challenges in data science and establishing responsible data practices.

* Lesson 5.3: Regulatory Compliance

  - Understanding and navigating data protection and privacy regulations.

**Module 6: Advanced Projects and Industry Applications**

* Lesson 6.1: Capstone Project

  - Applying acquired skills and knowledge to solve a real-world data science or big data analytics challenge.

* Lesson 6.2: Industry Applications

  - Examining case studies and applications in diverse industries such as finance, healthcare, and e-commerce.

* Lesson 6.3: Future Trends in Data Science and Big Data

  - Exploring emerging technologies and trends shaping the future of data science and big data analytics.


Participants will emerge from this advanced course with a profound understanding of advanced statistical methods, machine learning algorithms, big data technologies, and ethical considerations in the data science field. Armed with practical skills and industry insights, they will be well-equipped to navigate the complexities of big data analytics and contribute to data-driven decision-making in the evolving landscape of technology and business.

What will i learn?


Quinn Maria




Skill level


Expiry period


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