Course description

Certainly! Designing a course on Leadership and Team Management involves covering a broad range of topics to develop comprehensive skills in leading and managing teams effectively. Here's a suggested outline for such a course:

Module 1: Introduction to Leadership

 **Defining Leadership:**

   - Characteristics of a good leader

   - Contrasting leadership and management

 **Leadership Styles:**

   - Autocratic, Democratic, Transformational, Transactional, Servant Leadership

   - Assessing and adapting leadership styles

Module 2: Understanding Team Dynamics

 **Team Building:**

   - Importance of team cohesion

   - Team-building exercises and activities

 **Motivation and Engagement:**

   - Strategies for motivating team members

   - Recognizing and rewarding achievements

 Module 3: Effective Communication

 **Communication Skills for Leaders:**

   - Verbal and non-verbal communication

   - Active listening and feedback

 **Conflict Resolution:**

   - Identifying and addressing conflicts

   - Strategies for conflict resolution

 Module 4: Decision Making and Problem Solving

 **Decision-Making Models:**

   - Rational decision-making

   - Intuitive decision-making

 **Problem-Solving Techniques:**

   - Root cause analysis

   - SWOT analysis

Module 5: Time and Task Management

 **Time Management for Leaders:**

   - Prioritization and delegation

   - Time management tools and techniques

 **Task Delegation:**

    - Assessing team members' strengths

    - Effective delegation strategies

Module 6: Leadership Ethics

 **Ethical Leadership:**

    - Importance of ethics in leadership

    - Ethical decision-making

 **Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):**

    - Integrating CSR into leadership practices

    - Building a socially responsible team and organization

 Module 7: Change Management

 **Leading Change:**

    - Understanding resistance to change

    - Strategies for successful change management

 **Innovation and Adaptability:**

    - Fostering a culture of innovation

    - Leading teams through change and uncertainty

 Module 8: Emotional Intelligence

 **Emotional Intelligence in Leadership:**

    - Self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills

    - Developing emotional intelligence in leaders and teams

 Module 9: Leadership Development and Continuous Learning

 **Leadership Development Plans:**

    - Personal and team development plans

    - Mentorship and coaching

**Staying Current in Leadership Trends:**

    - Continuous learning strategies for leaders

    - Networking and professional development opportunities

 Module 10: Capstone Project

 **Application of Leadership and Team Management Skills:**

    - Real-world project to apply learned skills

    - Presentation and feedback session

 Additional Resources

- Recommended books, articles, and podcasts on leadership

- Case studies of successful leadership and team management

- Guest speakers from the industry sharing practical insights

This course structure is designed to cover the foundational aspects of leadership, team dynamics, communication, decision-making, and ethical considerations while providing practical tools and strategies for effective team management.

What will i learn?


Quinn Maria




Skill level


Expiry period


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